Monday, July 12, 2010

Painting Kitchen Tile

I love my 1925 Pasadena bungalow with its yellow kitchen tile though I wasn't a fan of the jade green tile border.

Now that black bracket is for my little Ikea dish rack. Mo told me about it and it has been great in a kitchen with little counter space. So I got out my tiny brushes and outlined each individual tile without getting any paint on the grout. Be patient.

I painted two coats with Rust-oleum Painters Touch semi-gloss black, drying each overnight. Then I sealed them with Helmsman Indoor-Outdoor clear semi-gloss. Why? Because it was what I had on hand. No other reason.

I did this 6mos ago and I’ve had no problems with it peeling or chipping. Everyone thinks I’m so lucky to have gotten black and yellow instead of some funky color. You can’t tell it was painted.

Here’s the other part of the kitchen. Yes, that is a washing machine. It fits perfecty where the old "ice box" would have gone. Thomas helped me create a hook-up for it at my kitchen sink. I’ve been using it for a year and it has been great. I have a clothes line outside he put up for me. I love the way clothes smell when they have been on the line drying.

It’s a cute kitchen. I love my place. It has the greatest glass knobs throughout the kitchen.

Before they tore down my Grandpa Guse’s old house, I asked for some of the door knobs. I’ve had them in a box for years. When I moved here, I took off the brass ones that were here and put up Grandpa’s.

I’ll switch them back to the brass ones whenever I move but these have been the perfect addition. They are wonderful. Just like Grandpa. Xoxo